Easily Entertained with Maddy McClain

New Year, Same Chaos: 2023 Superlatives, Golden Globes Drama & Concerning Airplane Stories

• Maddy McClain • Season 1 • Episode 17

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We are BACK, homies. This week we cover the latest news in this New Year including Alaska Airlines' terrifying Boeing mishap and contrastingly, the wild fun fact about those celebrating the new year in NYC...the more you know.

The 2024 Golden Globes made headlines for quite a few reasons and we're here to talk all about it. From comedian Jo Koy's hosting gig & monologue that didn't appear to really...read the audience right. The internet stirred up potential drama between none other than Taylor Swift, Selena Gomez, Kylie Jenner & Timothee Chalamet. Sounds like a fever dream.

Host Maddy McClain covers the Golden Globes winners as well as upcoming awards show nominees for SAG Awards, Emmys and finally...

Easily Entertained's very own 2023 Superlatives:  Most Unexpected Couple, Best Album Released in 2023, Most Unexpected Cancellation & Reality TV Scandal of the Year. 

4:01 Golden Globes 2024: The Drama and the Winners

08:22 Airplane Incidents: A Terrifying Start to the Year

15:04 Golden Globes 2024: The Host Controversy

22:52 Golden Globes 2024: Winners and Losers

30:21 SAG Awards 


Cheers homies!!! Follow on IG @easilyentertained & TikTok @maddyiseasilyentertained 🪩🤠

Sources mentioned/used:
- Alaska Airlines Plane Door Incident (Slate)
- Alaka Airlines Teenage Passenger  (CBS News)
- Golden Globes 2024 (Variety)
- Jo Koy Golden Globes Monologue (CBS News, YouTube video)
- Oxford's 2023 Word of the Year
- Biggest Celebrity Controversies 2023 (Today)

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Hello homies! Hello, hello. Welcome to Easily Entertained. I am your host, your pop culture sherpa,  your glowing guardian of pop culture here to deliver you the latest in what the hell's going on this new year of 2024,  you guys.  We made it!  Does that kind of sound like Kylie Jenner? I don't know. I don't know.

Don't be too mean to me, okay? Cuz it's a new year  and let me just say Like many people at the beginning of a new year. I have a great feeling about this year  Um, not to be a negative Nancy or anything like that, but um, I don't know, my trust issues really took off, uh, in the year 2020, much like everybody else in the human existence that could like, understand what was going on, you know?

So not, not special in that regard, but I'm just saying, especially as a Longhorn fan, you know? Uh, and seasons passed when fans would say, This is our year. Texas is back. We're back, baby. Only for us to indeed not be back. Um,  I don't know. Maybe I am a little superstish. A little superstitious. I don't know.

Kind of enjoy being that way. Um, I'm a little bit wooey in that sense, I suppose, and a few others as well, but I digress. This week, we have so much to catch up on, you guys.  I really miss you all, and I miss talking to myself in this microphone, but I know I'm not talking to myself. I know this. So anyways, we're back and this year there is so much planned.

We are enhancing and upgrading our studio  and we're getting some guests up in here. So get ready for more entertainment, more chaotic ADHD type news. Pop culture news and, uh, you know, all that kind of shit. What do we have going on this week, you ask? I'll tell you. No gatekeeping here.  This week, we're gonna just catch up a little bit on the new year.

Um, love to give a little two cents and a shout out to the Andes, Andy Cohen. The Andy Cohen, uh, bravo. And Anderson Cooper, Andy Cooper, um, of CNN.  They co hosted New Year's Eve special again this year, and they were allowed to drink, and again, they brought nothing but pure joy. Um, so, we'll just dig into that.

Some of the latest news already, you know, the world. It is,  we didn't take a second, you know what I'm saying, like  how most people, you've got those weeks between Christmas and New Year, what have you, where no one's really doing much, like we're all kind of hibernating. We've all eaten a little bit too much, our tummies are full and Um, we're having a lot of time with our families and such and just drinking a lot.

I don't know. Is this projecting? Perhaps, but that's usually what happens. I'll tell you what though, pop culture and just kind of the sheer audacity that human beings tend to display did not take a break.  I'll tell you what. Um, and of course we cannot. We cannot not talk about the Golden Globes that went down a few days ago, January 8th of 2024.

And, um, get you up to speed on what everybody is talking about, why they're talking about it, and just kind of give you my, uh, hot take on everything from  Joe Coy's, um, eh, failed hosting monologue. You hate to see him do that. And, of course, the drums that's going down between pop culture. Queens, really.

Taylor Swift, Selena Gomez, Kylie Jenner, and Timothée Chalamet. Uh, Chalamet? I don't know. I'm no Frenchie. But anyways, and we'll talk about the winners and the losers and all that good shit. But our main meat, our main meal, our main entree, trying to focus on getting some more protein, you know what I'm saying?

So maybe we consider it the protein of the meal. Um, We're going to give out and talk about 2023 superlatives, yearbook style, kind of the best of 2023 when it comes to pop culture, from internet trends to music and movies and tv shows and celebrity couples and uh,  Who got cancelled, and uh, who was the most surprise cancellation, and as well as a comeback.

We got, we got them all, and I hope you will join me in this mess, and I cannot wait for more high quality video guesty interview eps that are on the horizon. But for today, I'm just glad it's you and me, honey. Let's, let's get into it, shall we?  The year started off quite well, and that is with the hosts, as I mentioned earlier, Andy Cohen. 

Andy Cohen. I really wanted to go cochen with it. Had a very comical New Year's Eve special. So these two have hosted this particular Peacock. A version of the New Year's Eve special where they're in New York,  live, and they're prepping to watch the big, the big fat ball drop,  and apparently, I learned that people that go to see the ball drop on New Year's Eve, they're out there for, like,  Anywhere from like 12 to 20 hours or something crazy like that and so Lots of people when you're watching those shots the little b roll shots you get of the crowd cheering and having a grand old time Most of them are wearing adult diapers so they don't lose their spot  that really that factoid there just epitomize  Groupthink, as one may say, just how people act in groups, and that's just totally normal.

So anyways, next time, next year, just think of that and think of me. Well, preferably don't think of me in adult diapers, but  Okay, so yeah  Anywho These two, Andy Cohen and Andy Anderson Cooper, have hosted a few years running now. But one year they took so many shots and like were so drunky,  that on, this is all live TV, that they like made fun of so many people and were like,  Just really unhinged, and of course, everybody loves that, like, the crowds, the crowd went wild.

But then the following year, like, the fun ruiners,  the Debbie Downers, the people that be, said, this year we're cutting back on alcohol, and didn't allow them to drink. But you know what? They listened to the people this year, and literally, they basically threw a campaign to allow themselves, the daddies, as they called themselves, to have a drinky.

And you know what?  I'm glad they did. It was entertaining. If you didn't watch it or see it afterwards or whatever, honestly, you can find so many good clips. So,  however you spent your New Year's Eve, I hope you had a delightful one. Cause some, some people that took a time travel flight as it was advertised on United Airlines, On New Year's Eve, we're not having a great one because they purposely bought this flight that was leaving January 1st from Guam, just based on, you know, how the earth and time works.

Um, from Guam to Honolulu, arriving there on New Year's Eve so that they could technically celebrate New Year's Eve twice, which honestly is quite a flex. I mean, it'd be like fun to mention in a,  like a dinner party or a New Year's Eve party. You know, to tell your friends and have something to say, but outside of that, I don't know, who knows?

Maybe most of these people had no idea that they were on this flight, um, and the marketing didn't work, but who knows? So basically that didn't work. They took off later and flights were delayed. So they did miss, uh, New Year's Eve. So, um,  careful what you advertise, but the airline industry is not Doing so hot  lately, uh, as you probably have heard about, there was a terrifying, like, just straight from Shonda Rhimes, Christopher Nolan, just straight from a director's noggin of a terrifying airplane experience, um, there was a, an Alaska Airlines flight that was flying from Portland, Oregon to Ontario, um,  Uh, I keep wanting to say Canada, but no, Ontario, California,  and whose emergency door, just kind of this, the door plug just straight up blew out. 

The door just imploded and just flew out of the plane at 16, 000 feet in the sky, um, and Luckily,  uh, as many are pointing out due to burnt toast theory, no one was sitting on the window seat of this aisle, so, and nobody was, was severely injured and the pilot was able to land the plane really safely and, but let's back it up and let's talk about the trauma of it all.

Okay, so I guess I looked it up and it wasn't even maybe 10 minutes since they had taken off that this all went down. And they, the passengers that were on this flight said they heard this loud boom and the door literally just popped off, flew off. People's phones and laptops and shit like got sucked out of the plane. 

Um, there was a mom and a son that were sitting on this emergency row, um, and it was the pressure as the plane was losing a shitload of pressure now that they, it's been opened into the sky in midair, um, you know, all of the masks come down from the ceiling like we're told all the time and, um, you know, we all ignore.

But yeah, anyway, so it was so strong that it ripped this teenager, he's about 15 years old, ripped his shirt off his body and was sucked out. The mom like grabbed him, I guess, and then flight attendants, people are able to grab them, the two, and they were reseated. And obviously, Just  terrified. I would be shaking.

Oh my god. Oh my god. Okay. I just I know no I can't even imagine it for too long. So bless these people no one was hurt and apparently it was like somewhat of a calm landing and everyone was okay and  Turns out you want to know why after investigation? The the plane these particular planes are Boeing planes  Which if you may recall, this is not Boeing's first Let's say error of trial and errors with these planes, although, you know,  hypothetically planes should not be in trial.

They're not, nothing like that, but regardless. It was basically due to a, just, human error because these screws, the bolts, weren't screwed in tightly enough.  Um, United, all, all of these kinds of planes, they're 737 9 MAX or something. I, I could have totally messed that up, I just did my research, but like, I'm no plane  guru, for sure. 

It just, it blows my mind. And the fact that it was due to bolts not being screwed on tight, like, like, like it's Ikea furniture, or it's, it's some sort of, I don't know, like, you're putting together a Picnic table, whatever, like, no, these are airplanes, aeroplanes, um, that's terrifying. Also reminded me of that old Southwest flight where that lady got, like, sucked halfway out the plane.

You remember that, guys? Yeah, that's, shh, yeah, ooh, scary. But you know what? To make us and myself feel better, the odds of You being on an airplane when something like that goes down, an emergency, or even less, a life threatening emergency, or crash, or accident, or whatever, is super, super low. It's something like 1.

12.  Out of 100, 000, that's 100, 000 plain hours, but one hour in that, so, eh, it's, you know, that was a 2022 stat.  Um, so, don't be scurred. Only 8 percent of what you fear  Got this on the internet, so I don't know. Only 8 percent of what people worry about happening, end up actually happening. So,  why, why waste your precious little brain worrying? 

This is 100 percent pot calling kettle black here. I am a professional when it comes to worrying. Um. My sweet little old friend of mine. Just glad everyone's okay. Apparently, somebody's cell phone landed in someone's backyard, and it was an iPhone, and it was totally intact. In fact, it had half a charge, and was pulled up to baggage claim.

So, that's pretty,  that's pretty crazy. Who paid Steve Jobs from out of the grave just,  uh, anyways. Um, sorry, that was gonna take a turn that nobody wanted to go down. You know what we should talk about now, guys? I'll tell you.  Golden Globes 2024. There has been, it's really set, uh, just pop culture, the internet, people ablaze.

Normally, when it comes to awards, and particularly Golden Globes,  it's not, you know, all that exciting. Occasionally, like once every,  I guess, however long we've been around, been doing these things, we'll get a slap, you know, thank you Will Smith for, for really doing it for the plot for us all, cause we learned way more than we ever wanted to about his marriage and how that related to it. 

Anyway, so I won't give it any more attention, but the Golden Globes sure got a lot of attention. This is usually way, this is way later than scheduled, but that's due to the strikes, um, the Hollywood strikes that went on for A large part of 2023, so a lot of these award shows are happening later than usual.

Um, and Golden Globes does both TV and movie awards. It gets, I like had to basically make myself a little cheat sheet because the award shows and when they happen all that can be  Not easy to like figure out and nobody really gives a fuck anymore, right? So I'm kidding. I'm kidding But what people were really talking about was the host for this year's Golden Globes, which was comedian Joe Coy Now some of you might recognize him, but don't know where Majority of you probably don't recognize him.

So he actually was  He is Chelsea Handler's ex. Yeah. One of the very few public relationships that Chelsea Handler, I feel like, has ever had. Um, and, you know, maybe he just had a little bit of,  uh, butthurt boy syndrome, what I like to call, which is just butthurt boys who are rejected or just something doesn't work out and they can't stand when their ex or women, you know, like,  are doing well, you know, the type?

Um,  I don't know. It's like short man syndrome, just making up for things that, uh, biology or what have you did not gift them with. Um, so I did us all a favor, and I watched, um, the entirety of Jo Koy's opening monologue to the Golden Globes, and,  yeah.  So basically what people are harping on is,  no one was really laughing at his jokes.

He made, the biggest thing was that he made this really lazy Barbie joke about boobies. Like he literally used the word boobies. You know what?  Let's show, not tell. I'm going to play for you a little bit of what people are mostly talking about, so you can make a decision for yourself, too. The solution for 2024 is to finish Oppenheimer in 2025.

Like, seriously. I'm almost there. I love Oppenheimers.  Especially the first season. 

That's so stupid. 

Oppenheimer answered a lifelong question that's been on my mind for years. Yes, scientists do get laid.  As long as they look like Cillian Murphy.  Oppenheimer and Barbie are competing for Cinematic Box Office Achievement.  Oppenheimer  is based on a 721 page Pulitzer Prize winning book about the Manhattan Project. 

And Barbie is on a plastic doll with big boobies.  I watched Barbie. I loved it. I really did love it.  I don't want you guys to think that I'm a creep, but it was kind of weird being attracted to a plastic doll.  It's just something about your eyes, Ryan.  So, okay, that is quite a chunk out of his about 10 minute monologue, and it's, So much to really digest there.

Honestly, for me, okay, yeah, the, the booby joke was just, It was lazy. It wasn't so much like, you know, Matt Rife got cancelled for his, his feminist, not feminist, the opposite, misogynist  jokes that, well, his entire stand up special was basically just like, Boys are better, women are crazy bitches, am I right dudes?

You know, and  it's not like that. Joke hoy, it just wasn't funny? You know,  there's some things like, oh, I get it because Oppenheimer was long, makes that joke and da da da da. And, but he really just proved the entire premise of the Barbie movie. in that one little jab, you know what I'm saying? Like, using the word boobies too.

And yeah, the crowd's not giving much, but the crowd is also like,  we're at the Golden Globes, you know what I'm saying? Um, Ricky Gervais, who hosted the Golden Globes for quite a few years, didn't get a great reaction from the crowd either. But, um, what really got me Honestly, it  is his insistence that  He says at one point, like, I didn't write all these jokes, okay?

Like, they asked him, I guess, ten days before or something crazy. He didn't have much time at all to prepare and for that, like, okay, yeah, I get that. That's crazy. But you got the opportunity, okay? And then, Um, then he insists he like blames that all the bad jokes are by his writers and like we're laughing at his good jokes that he wrote and it's just for me that's just an entertainer no no.

It's a big no no. I'll give you, I'll play for you what he said.  Or what casting directors call character actor. 

Some I wrote, some other people wrote. Robert De Niro is here.  Yo, I got a gig 10 days ago. You want a perfect monologue? Yo, shut up.  You got, you're kidding me, right?  Slow down, I wrote some of these and they're the ones you're laughing at. Look!  Robert De Niro's here!  Poor Robert De Niro's like, Why am I being thrown into this narrative?

Um, and you know, you see Selena Gomez has her head in her hands.  So anyways, the audience was not having it. But then the way he berates the audience for like, What do you expect? Why aren't you laughing? I'm so funny. You know, because funny people really have to tell.  the audience that they're funny and they should be laughing and that they're idiots and what do you expect? 

Um, so yeah, I mean a lot of fans, people have come out to defend him and yada yada and it's been,  regardless I think it's been good for his business because when I looked this up, um, to play the clip. An ad for his book popped up and um, an ad for his next like live show in Austin came up. So I think he's gonna be just fine and the internet is fast.

That is something, you know, I mean, we all know that, but it really showed that with, when you have these award shows and stuff like that. So.  That's the Joe Coy of it all. I don't think he'll be back, um, hosting the Grammys, but crazier things have happened, right? Like, who was our president? Sorry, we're not going there.

Um, what else were people talking about? So, Taylor Swift was there, I think, as part of the Barbie movie. Selena, there were some like, somebody got a clip of them, they zoom in, uh, basically Selena Taylor and this other girl, uh, Kaley Teller, who's Miles Teller's wife, but regardless, doesn't really matter, the three of them very much in it. 

A typical girly gossip position, you know, they're, they're leaned in, they're listening to the drama, and of, you know, who else but, uh, lip readers of the internet stepped in for us all and determined that they were saying that Selena comes up to tell them that Timothee Chalamet She asked to take a photo with him, but Kylie Jenner, who is his now girlfriend, said no, and like their mouths drop open in horror and yada yada, then sets the internet ablaze and  You know, really, the fact that to, like, media and people and you and me, like, really zoomed in on that, too, is just super ironic, given, like,  the Barbie movie and everything, what they're here for, like, of course, of course, thanks, ladies, but,  I mean, if that really was the case, they all were basically put in an awkward position to just kind of lie to us all and tell us something else happened or whatever. 

Like, no one's gonna be like, yeah, that's what we said, but if it is true, like,  I think it's an insecure move to tell somebody no, they can't take a picture with your boyfriend, who's like,  a really big actor, there at the Golden Globes, next to somebody else he's acted with, like,  relax, um.  I don't know. They seemed pretty in love, Kylie Jenner and Timothy.

That's kind of their first super public PDA. Just kind of outing in a while. But in terms of the winners and losers, Oppenheimer  took it all home, basically. As you may have heard in there somewhere, they basically created  an award for Barbie called the Cinematic Box Office Achievement Award.  Which is new to this year, and basically it's just because Barbie made such a fat stack of money.

But yeah, in all honesty, you know, it was the summer of Barb and Heimer. The two, we always knew were gonna be pitted against each other. I mean, they obviously were in terms of opening weekend numbers and box office and all of that. But when it comes to the award shows  Um,  they kind of got hoed a little bit.

I'm not gonna lie you guys, Barbie got kind of hoed.  As Oppenheimer, which mind you I have not watched and I know I need to, but I'm sure it's good. It's just, I don't know.  Not really my cup of tea, if I'm being honest with you. Anywhoos, so Oppenheimer won the best motion picture drama. Also, Christopher Nolan won best director for Oppenheimer.

What else do we got for Oppenheims?  Um, Best Supporting Actor with Robert Downey Jr. for Oppenheimer.  Um, and there was another one, I believe, for soundtrack or musical scoring. But they really took it home. Barbie got the cinematic box office, made a shitload of money award. Um, and one movie and actors involved in this movie really made a splash and it's new.

Came out either super late 2023, I think it had to come out in 23, um, in order for it to be considered. But Poor Things, which is in theaters now as we speak actually, and that won Best Picture for Comedy or Musical.  Out, it won out against Barbie and maybe that makes sense I guess if you're looking at it that's. 

Maybe like this stylistic kind of lens, and who knows, sometimes the Golden Globes predict what Oscars or Emmys will come out of this, like those winners, but we'll see. So Poor Things won Best Picture for Musical or Comedy. Um, and Emma Stone also won Best Performance by an Actress in a Motion Picture Musical or Comedy. 

Outwinning Fantasia Barrino from The Color Purple, Jennifer Lawrence from No Hard Feelings.  Which she is incredible and mouths to the camera if I lose, if I don't win I'm leaving and it was hilarious. Then Emma Stone won and she lost her mind clapping. We love girls hurting girls.  Um, and out winning against Natalie Portman in May, December.

And Margot Robbie in Barbie.  And Alma in Fallen Leaves, which I've never heard of in my life, but there's always one of those.  May December on Netflix is an interesting movie. I watched it not too long ago. It's basically centered around this real life story of a teacher, an ex teacher, former teacher, Mary Kay Letourneau, who had a, if you want to call it this, an affair with her 7th grade student. 

Ew. Yeah, um, and then they go on to get married and have kids against, like, everything everyone's saying in, like, prison and the law and stuff like that until he's legal.  Yeah, that was crazy. They don't actually show you anything, like, you know, it's not as disturbing as it could be, so that's good. Um, it was interesting. 

Uh, another movie that is out now that I have yet to see too that took home some wins is The Holdovers.  Uh, I believe this is on Max, or HBO Max, or whatever we're calling it now. Paul Giamatti won Best Performance by an Actor for that movie. And same with Divine Joy Randolph, uh, Best Supporting Actress.

When it comes to TV series, Succession took home so many wins, they had the most nominations, won best TV series and drama against The Morning Show, The Last of Us, The Diplomat, The Crown, and 1923.  The best, uh, TV series, musical, or comedy went to The Bear on FX slash Hulu. Great choice, Jeremy Allen White.

Everyone is talking about him for his  incredible contribution to society with Calvin Klein. Thank you, Calvin. Thank you, Jeremy. Um, if you don't know what I'm talking about, you probably aren't attracted to men. So, what else we got? Yeah, Succession, Kieran Culkin, Macaulay Culkin's brother, won best performance by an actor for Succession.

Um, for actress, Sarah Snook also took that home from Succession. Best actress in a TV series, musical, or comedy, went to A. O. Edibiri from The Bear. Only murders in the building, got some noms, no wins, Barry on HBO, all really good shows. And Beef took home Best Limited Series. We're back. So that's pretty much the wrap up of the Golden Globes.

Today, which is Wednesday, January 10th. Happy birthday to one of my very besties, Caroline. Love you, HBD. It's also a good day because the SAG Awards came out.  Or the Screen Actors Guild Awards. So, this is really just kicking off the whole Awards season of this year, and Screen Actors Guild kind of has very similar nominations, um, for many of them.

This is also both for, uh, TV series, sorry, and movies.  Pretty much similar. Um, some new ones that I didn't really see at Golden Globes, and nominated or winning, is Lessons in Chemistry for Brie Larson. Um, this is in TV, movie, or limited series. Love, love, loved that show. I finished it rather recently.  Uzo Aduba for Painkiller on Netflix, also really good. 

Uh, with I Didn't See, and in that same, just to finish that part out, the same, um, nomination is Catherine Hahn and Tiny Beautiful Things, which looks very good, it's on Hulu,  and it is after a book, like many things, and like Lessons in Chemistry.  But, I mean, for the most part, lots of similar or familiar ones like The Last of Us was nominated quite a few times,  The Only Murders in the Building, Abbott Elementary, Ted Lasso, The Bear, Marvelous Mrs.

Maisel.  You feel me. So, we are, we got more to go and we'll see if it's about the same or maybe it'll be different.  And now,  my personal award season. We're doing the superlatives, the winners, the losers, the cancels  of 2023.  Are you ready, everybody? Are you ready?  First of all, I wanted to start off with best and worst viral slang.

Um,  Oxford officially let us all know that the official 2023 word of the year is Riz.  Yep, and that's pretty much an internet Gen Z word. So let me, let me, let me break it down. Riz, like think charisma, but abbreviated. Basically saying somebody is game. Like they got game, they got Riz, you know, flirting with the girlies, the guys. 

Just picture Pete Davidson. He has mad riz. I find it both maddening and chuckle inducing that  Oxford officially, like, put this out in an article that this was the 23, 2023 word of the year.  That's something. That's something, I tell you, and that's pretty accurate for the  general direction in which our society is heading.

But, um, my own personal.  So, I decided the best, my favorite internet slang to come out of 23 is  Minty B, an abbreviation for mental breakdown.  Kind of like saying you're having a panty for panic attack. This comes from a gal who is di like, I I diagnosed anxiety. So, don't worry, don't cancel me.  Um, I don't know, just the word minty bee, just saying it makes me giggle a little bit.

It's just the unserious nature of it all, and of Gen Z, and really the world  as it stands in 2023, and still now, is just such peak comedy. You know, like nobody's serious, the unserious behavior of everyone really.  It really makes me giggle. It's like, nothing really shocks us anymore, you know?  Like, people started saying that we saw that people in Miami Mall, like, there were these tall, 10 foot, 8 10 foot aliens.

Running around and the way they described it like they just kind of appeared and were like teleporting places and stuff But like weren't scared and people were like  pow pow powing at it and stuff  anyways Totally off the rails, but like unclear of why the aliens would want to go to a mall in Miami  Um,  but I guess if they really wanted to get a good look at  Humans, I think that could be quite a good, quite a good case study, locale, so maybe it's not, maybe it's pretty smart, you know, I'm definitely not going to claim to be smarter than aliens, I don't know, I'm, I'm still convinced that it's not AI, it's going to be the aliens, so, how did we get here?

Right, okay, the worst viral slang, internet slang of 23, I don't really like bussin  I think of some girl who like tried to make  Bell pepper sandwiches, or like a bell pepper grilled cheese a thing, it's like, no, just, If you're going on a diet or you're trying to be healthy, just like, don't make a grilled cheese, just like, eat the bell pepper, I guess, and make something else.

I don't know, you'll probably still be hungry.  Moving on to the next award, we have cutest couple.  You know,  it would honestly be dishonest,  I feel like, not to go with Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce. Um, for obvious reasons, I feel like they're like America's couple, you know? Really bringing together the, as Taylor said, the dads, brads, and chads of the NFL and, you know, Swifties and people alike.

Um, it's really been  It's really been big for the world of pop culture, you know, like that's definitely going to be a moment in time, but I would also give an honorable mention, you know, maybe even the same level I would, I would like to bestow cutest couple of 2023  to Rihanna and ASAP Rocky, round of applause for them.

They're cute as hell. Um, I was actually just listening to a bunch of ASAP Rocky music in the car. And the number of bangers that, uh, historically he's put out is crazy. And obviously Rihanna has a absurd banger catalog. Um, so sorry. Don't need to make that happen. But they're just so cute. They had their first baby together this year.

And I don't know, just, I love them. I love them together. And, uh, we're all ready for the next Rihanna album. Best Dressed of 2023.  This award goes out to  Sophia Ritchie Grange and Hailey Bieber.  I cheated again because I couldn't pick just one, but Sophia Ritchie. Grange  is, you guessed it, Lionel Richie's daughter and sisters with Nicole Richie.

She's kind of just bloomed, I suppose, just really skyrocketed into pop culture when she started making TikToks and stuff. And she's kind of what inspired the whole trend of quiet luxury, which basically Was looking expensive and, um, elegant and classy and all that kind of stuff.  That came into, I feel like it came really into style in 2023.

And then, um, along with these really over descriptive terms that people are deciding. It's like, we're in our blueberry, bubblegum,  light pink sky blue nail era. And it's just like a light blue.  I don't know. It's exhausting. But of course, I also had to vote Haley Bieber, who, per usual, just, her style is impeccable.

Mwah. Love it. You know, one thing to think about too is maybe we all love her style  even more? Because Justin Bieber is standing right next to her in his like, homeless, psycho chic attire.  I mean like, I know apparently he has like a disease he's fighting, like a chronic disease, and that's really sad. And I hope he gets better. 

But like,  I don't know.  What are you wearing? You know what I'm saying? Just, if you don't know what I'm talking about, look it up. It's crazy. Justin Bieber just wears, I don't know, it looks like he got all his clothes off the side of the street. That just like fall out of like trucks and stuff, you know?  I digress.

We're moving on to the best album release of 2023.  According to critics in the wards, SZA gets this award for her SOS album. There was not, and I repeat, not a single week in all of 2023 that she was not in the top charts. Not a single week. So, that's pretty amazing.  Again, Year of the Woman,  the Year of the Boobies, Jo Koy.

So, I don't disagree with that at all. My personal favorites, if I were to give out awards though,  I mean, I'll eat up anything that's Fred again. Give me anything, I will nom eat it. Nicki Minaj's Pink Friday 2 was also incredible. I mean, very late 2023, but still.  And, um, you know what? Noah Kahn. I am maybe a little bit late to this, and it turns out so is like everyone else because Noah Kahn is popping off.

He's been around and he's been putting out music for a while. I don't know. The internet, everybody lifted him up and now, uh, now you too can pay like 200 to  Get a nosebleed seat to watch him, so that part sucks, but yeah, love it, loved it, loved it, loved it, really got me my feels, and um, I don't know, I feel like it's a good mixture of genres.

Next we have best TV show of 2023.  Here are my gold, silver, and, wait,  and platinum?  My first, second, and third place, okay? My third place goes to Yellow Jackets. It's, this was, Yellowjacket season 2 came out this year, or I guess it's past year now, 2023. It's on Showtime. It's kind of hard to find a way to watch it, but you just have to watch it somehow through Showtime. 

It is so, so good. The acting is crazy. It's a thriller slash just drama slash think Lord of the Flies,  um, but with a bunch of like high school girls. So, basically. I think I've talked about it before, but a plane crash, Oop, here we go again. A plane crash happens as a high school girl's soccer team is on their way to play in a championship.

And, um, it's all about their survival and a lot of crazy things go on out there. And you, it goes back between the time when they were in high school experiencing this tragedy, back into current day times where they're adults now and dealing with stuff.  It's really good. Highly recommend.  My second place goes to White Lotus.

on HBO, HBO Max, whatever the hell you want to call it. I mean, goes without saying. Cast, incredible. Plotline, incredible. Love the work. Love the work. Um, if you haven't seen it, what are you doing? Highly recommend and watch both seasons. But  White Lotus is also  Confirmed to have the third season come out this year in 2024 and it is set in Thailand.

So that's exciting. It's something to look forward to.  And my number one goes to Beef on Netflix. I loved it. It was so different than a lot of shows I've seen. The way the plot was set up and there's so much dramatic shit that goes down and the acting is great. So, I side with the critics on this one.

Very good show. Definitely watch it. Next award, best movie release of 2023.  You know, for me, honestly, this, I mean, it goes to Barbie. It's pop culture, historical history.  In the making, I mean, from the plot itself, to the cast of characters, to the marketing, and kind of, uh, at times, frustrating Barbie ification of literally every brand everywhere.

But that just kind of shows the,  the powerhouse of a movie that it was.  Next, I would love to do the most unexpected cancellations of the year.  This one goes out to Lizzo  and Jonah Hill.  Were you aware that these two were cancelled? I don't think either of them are like, cancelled forever.  But, um, I would be remiss to say that that just felt like it came out of left field.

As people say, that was not on my bingo card for 2023.  This year, earlier I believe in the summertime, three Lizzo filed a lawsuit against her alleging sexual harassment and creating a hostile work environment.  One dancer alleged that Lizzo shamed her for gaining weight, while another claimed the singer made her touch the breasts of a nude woman on stage at a strip club.

Lizzo called the accusations in the lawsuit false and outrageous in a statement. In a filing in October, Lizzo's lawyers asked the court to throw out the dancer's claims, citing a statute against frivolous lawsuits, but the lawsuit has not yet reached a resolution,  so TBD on where that lands.  And, uh, it goes without saying that that seems pretty crazy.

Uh, did not expect Lizzo to do somebody like that.  And, of course, I mean, there are plenty of others that were cancelled, but Jonah Hill's text with an ex where he was just showing, like, telling her to take photos down of her in a bikini. Surfing, even though she's a professional surfer and like saying this, like the woman I date wouldn't show themselves and he just can't, just very like narcissistic, controlling behavior that nobody wanted to see out of Jonah Hill, you know, he's supposed to be unproblematic  and came out with a Netflix special with his own therapist. 

I suppose now looking back, which seems  Maybe like a red flag.  I don't know. But I really enjoyed this documentary. It, I learned a lot, you know, of psychology and shit like that. Ah. And um, this year's 2023 most bizarre new way to die,  uh, goes to  The Titan Submersible, uh, passengers. Yep. I mean, we can't, like, that's crazy.

That was by far one of the craziest stories of the year. I mean, obviously rest in peace and really sad  that this psycho took them down to see a tragic sight where tons of people lost their lives in another tiny, tiny untested, uh, submarine guided by an Xbox controller or whatever the fuck.  What? You know?

And they apparently knew for a while that they probably didn't make it and then they spent all this money to go find them.  And then there was, like, an article that came out that they heard, like, tapping. Just terrifying. So, you know, in, in all of the schemes of things, the way to go in their particular circumstance, I think they took, hopefully it wasn't, uh, terrible. 

Yeah, couldn't, just couldn't pass that up. And the same kind of morbid  theme we're going with here now for these  This next few  craziest true crime news has to go out to the Gilgo Beach serial killer. There was a mysterious serial killer 

that had remained uncaught, undetected for years. Um, after finding victims along the like New York coastline. Um, and this guy was discovered and he was this. It's totally normal looking 50 year old white dude, um, who worked in Manhattan Beach and was like rich and has a wife and kids and crazy. Again with all of this, as these awards, you know, kind of briefly skirting through, you may know some of these moments, you may not.

But let me know if any of these, in particular,  um, topics or stories, backstories, what have you, interest you, that you would like a deep dive episode on, because I will be doing that as well. The best true crime, or just regular documentary, although both of them are kind of true crime, is number one, this was also a late 2023  piece of pop culture, it is called Love Has Won on HBO,  about a cult.

Um, led by a woman who calls herself, and they called her, Mother God. And, um, basically her own following ends up  kind of murdering her. And she kind of, they watch her slowly kill herself. But, um, it's by far one of the best documentaries I had ever seen. Everything about it was just so absurd. There will most definitely be an episode all over this.

It is bonkers. And then followed by the Murdoch Murders docuseries in Netflix. Simply because it's another crazy story, um, that I have kept up with for quite a while now. And, um, really gives a good, I feel like, a legit covering of everything. I listened to a podcast called the Murdoch Murders Podcast with Mandy Matney.

And there's something like, I mean, hundreds of episodes, and I listen to them all, so.  Yeah, I really invested in that one.  Next, we're gonna jump on over  to something a little bit more chill, um, but not. Best reality TV scandal. Woo wee! This was a year for reality TV, largely. in part because of the Hollywood strikes.

There were a lot more, um, reality TV productions pushed forward and shit like that to cover, um, and make up from Lost Time 2 back from COVID. So lots. Going on this year, lots to watch. Um, I mean,  this has got to go to Scandaval. As a real, real, uh, loyal Vanderpump Rules fan. This was crazy when it went down.

At this point, I think we're all sick and tired of talking about it. Um, but like, when it comes to awards, they gotta take one, you know? Um, cheating on your 10 year goin partner you live with together with one of her best friends, like, while you all are starring in a reality TV show and try and get away with that is bonkers.

As for the most wildcard unexpected celeb couple,  This one goes out to Ariana Grande and that random guy who played Spongebob in like a, like a live action version of it, um, who was married at the time when they met on the set of this musical that Ariana Grande and this guy were doing and then just  she breaks them up and now they're dating and he's like this tiny little redhead guy who played Spongebob.

Um, just sad, like. Yeah, wife and kids and he just said bye and this is not the,  yeah, not a good look. Came out of left field. Interesting. I would say we have a few others though. Kendall Jenner and Bad Bunny. Didn't see that one coming. Um, they may be broken up right now. They may not be. We'll, we'll keep you posted.

And then, very recently, I would say Selena Gomez and Benny Blanco. Came out of nowhere. Benny Blanco is the producer of quite a few Hollywood Uh, very, very famous musicians, um, including Justin Bieber, interestingly enough. My MVP of 2023 goes to  Suzie's Pesto.  If you're confused and you hear, uh, chirps in your brain. 

This is a TikTok trend that just never stopped, but honestly never stopped. I think maybe I've stopped seeing things on my for you page recently, but in 2023, it was great. It was basically  a trend that took over because a delightful lady, young lady named Susie I made a video of her making homemade pesto and she says, Call me crazy, but  I don't like store bought pesto.

And she goes on to make pesto. And people thought that was fucking hilarious because  it's not that crazy. And so people would just go on to say, Oh, Susie, sarcastically, that's crazy. But, and then tell their own crazy stories and  just really set up for some solid story time. And I love that coming together. 

of the world in such a way. And, uh, honorable mention,  kind of, of this year is Gypsy Rose making that PR rounds.  I mean, Lifetime is the one who swooped in and got her interviews while she was still in prison and then got let out. A quick rundown. Gypsy Rose  suffered Munchausen by proxy, which just means her mom convinced herself, convinced gypsy, convinced everybody around them, doctors, this and that, you name it, that she was severely ill.

She couldn't walk. Um, and she got. taking all this medication. She didn't need surgeries and teeth removed and crazy shit until Gypsy realized she wasn't, you know,  sick as her mom said and uh, hired this guy who was her boyfriend at the time to murder her mother.  Yeah. And so I feel so many different ways that she's like being like revered and like this hipster.

Like, influence her personality now? Like, it's kind of odd. Like, I saw it coming and it's very entertaining, don't get me wrong. But like, she did also murder somebody, but like,  I don't know. You know, she hadn't, she said herself she probably would have died, and she's encouraging.  She's telling people murder is bad, so. 

I guess, what more can you ask for these days, you know?  And, uh, keep an eye out for who's most likely to be cancelled in 2024. With these Jeffrey Epstein documents being released.  You know, everyone's denying they knew him and all that shit, but who knows? I don't know. I just feel like this is a year of things being uncovered. 

Ooh. Conspiracy. Don't worry. I'm not wearing a foil hat. I, however, am very grateful for this last year. Very grateful for you.  Easily Entertained, I hope, has done just that and I feel like it has. I can't wait for all that's more in store and, uh, Uh, be in the lookout for updates on our Instagram at easilyentertainedpod.

Follow, I mean I guess you can follow on Facebook too because I have one of those.  Um, and on TikTok at maddieiseasleyentertained.  I'm going to be posting some more stuff. More content to keep you entertained all year long.  Alright, love you, bye!